Wednesday, December 19, 2007


David sinned in his life by committing adultery with Bathsheba and then followed by another lie and then murder and then we all know he repented of this sin by confessing and acknowledging it but there were still consequences -he lost his son in spite of his pleading for mercy. That punishment was God's mercy-He did not "fully" punish him for his sin.
I wonder how many people live their whole life on His mercy? Thats why many of us are not blessed as He wants us to be, I believe!He wants us to be blessed and not be living a life of being shown mercy!Let us be those who attain His blessings rather than live a lifetime needing His mercies!


Anonymous said...

it's short but precious

juls said...

tis a lil scary but very true!!

Lorirose said...

I am a David-type. I lived in a marriage that was unhealthy for 27 years. I walked away from the marriage because it was killing me inside. I plugged my ears and closed my eyes to God because I didn't want him to make me go back. I sinned against God and from the shame and guilt, stayed away from God for 5 years. Finally, I was able to turn back to the Lord because I received His mercy upon me. I said, "Lord, whatever it takes for you to turn your face toward me again, please do it." I immediately sensed His presence. At that moment, I knew I was to begin a fast. I fasted for 14 days.
On the 7th day of my fast, I went out to pull weeds in my gravel driveway. As I bent down and pulled the first weed, it came right up and I thought about the parable of the sower and the seed and of the seed thrown on rocky ground that doesn't take root...and the Lord spoke. He said, "Those are weeds. Don't think about that parable. In that parable, the seed was good seed. These are your sins and the sins of the world." I looked out over my driveway to the millionss of weeds there were. Then, I sat down to begin pulling them up and the Lord taught me about sin.
The first weed came right up. He said, "Some sins you are able to stop as soon as you are convicted of them." Then I pulled another weed that had a tenacle that grew off of it and rooted down and then another tenacle that rooted down. He said, "Some sins have to be covered by another sin, and then another sin. If you will repent of the root sin and turn from it, the other sins will stop also."
Then, there was a weed that kept breaking off at the root every time I pulled it. I had to dig down deep to get the root of it. He said, "Some sins you try to stop but they keep coming back. You stop for a few weeks, or months, or years, but then it comes back. Until you repent of the root of the sin, it will keep coming back." Then he said, "Why did you start smoking?" I stopped picking weeds and said, "I don't remember." Then I thought back 5 years before, and I started smoking when I said in my heart that I was tired of trying to make my marriage work, and I gave up. I was angry, and I rebelled. I said, "Lord, anger and rebellion. That's why I started smoking." He said, "Repent of your anger and rebellion." I had not had "feelings" of anger or rebellion, but the root of the sins were still in me. I said, "Lord, I repent of my anger and rebellion." I wept. Just sobbed and sobbed. When I got up from the ground, I no longer had a desire to smoke and was delivered from it in that moment.
Then, there was another weed under my window in my flower garden. It was so beautiful. It had shiney little green leaves and purple flowers. I started to reach over it and pick another weed. The Lord spoke to me very sternly, "Pull that up!" I said, "But it's so pretty." He said, "If you don't pull it up, it will kill the bushes your mother gave you. Some sins look good, feel good, seem just perfect, that you believe they just couldn't be sin, but they are deadly." I thought about false religions. False religions seem so right, so beautiful even sometimes that they just couldn't be sin, yet they are not founded on the true Christ, God's only begotten Son, our eternal God incarneate. Those religions will kill us and take us and the people we love who also believe the beautiful lies of the devil to a place where there is no forgiveness.
Today, repent of your sin of unbelief, and any other sins that the Holy Spirit brings to your remembrance and experience the joy and deliverance and freedom in Christ again.